A 3-ring binder containing a workbook helpful to A.A.s carrying the message of recovery to those with special needs. Also includes assorted pamphlets, A.A. guidelines, service material and other useful information.
(M-27) Public Information Kit
A vinyl folder containing a workbook with information on P.I. service work; selection of pamphlets; A.A. Guidelines; catalog, and order forms.
(M-46) P.l. Literature Display Container
An easel-design cardboard container for doctors’ offices, health fairs, etc. Comes with 100 “A.A. at a Glance" flyers. 16 1/4" x 11"
(M-41) Cooperation With the Professional Community Kit
A vinyl folder containing a workbook with information on C.P.C. service work; selection of pamphlets; A.A. Guidelines; catalog, and order forms.
(P-29) How A.A. Members Cooperate With Professionals
Answers specific queries on working within A.A. Traditions.
(P-40) Speaking at Non-A.A. Meetings
For A.A.s asked to speak to organizations outside the Fellowship about A.A., alcoholism, and the alcoholic, this pamphlet suggests what to say and how to say it.
(P-42) A Brief Guide to Alcoholics Anonymous
Originally designed for use in schools, this folder also lends itself to other P.I. purposes. In simple language, it describes our program and offers general information on A.A.
(P-48) 2014 A.A. Membership Survey
Summarizes the latest survey of membership in the U.S. and Canada: who A.A.s are (age, sex, occupation, length of sobriety) and how they got to A.A.
(F-1) A.A. at a Glance
Flyer condensing facts on the Fellowship
(F-9) A Message to Teenagers
Flyer adapted from the pamphlet “Too Young?”; for P.I. in schools.
(M-48I) Accessibilities Workbook
A booklet with information on such topics as forming a special needs committee, presentations to professionals, and working with ASL interpreters.
(M-27I) Public Information Workbook
Sold separately, also included in kit
(M-41I) Cooperation With the Professional Community Workbook
Sold separately, also included in kit
(P-31) A.A. in Your Community
Six-page folder explains how A.A. is geared to work in any community to help alcoholics. Prepared especially to help groups, central offices, and P.I. committees interpret A.A. to the community.
(P-41) A Member’s-Eye View of Alcoholics Anonymous
Explains the A.A. program to social workers, counselors, physicians, and others in the alcoholism field. It also provides fresh insight into A.A. for all members.
(P-47) Understanding Anonymity
Explains what anonymity means both within and outside A.A.
(P-34) Let’s Be Friendly With Our Friends
In this Grapevine reprint, Bill explains the importance of cooperating with doctors, social workers, etc.