What is the Communications Committee?
The committee - to be appointed by the Delegate - would be further charged with improving the various communication areas described above or any others that arise. It would not dictate what we communicate but offer its expertise to help carry the message within the Traditions. It would seek other volunteers, such as a reporting staff or web helpers, as needed. It is suggested committee members rotate on a regular basis, except for the editor of the Message whose volunteer position might be longer than a two-year term to ensure continuity. The ad hoc committee would leave the issue of rotation up to the permanent committee to resolve.
How do I contact the Communications Committee?
[email protected]
The Communications Committee is also responsible for publishing The Georgia Message of AA. To contact the Message Editor please email [email protected].
The committee - to be appointed by the Delegate - would be further charged with improving the various communication areas described above or any others that arise. It would not dictate what we communicate but offer its expertise to help carry the message within the Traditions. It would seek other volunteers, such as a reporting staff or web helpers, as needed. It is suggested committee members rotate on a regular basis, except for the editor of the Message whose volunteer position might be longer than a two-year term to ensure continuity. The ad hoc committee would leave the issue of rotation up to the permanent committee to resolve.
How do I contact the Communications Committee?
[email protected]
The Communications Committee is also responsible for publishing The Georgia Message of AA. To contact the Message Editor please email [email protected].
Additional Communications Information and Resources:
Atención traductores de español! Want to volunteer as a Spanish translator?
Are you interested in assisting Area 16 with Spanish translation? Please email our Communications Chairperson using the form below. Opportunities are available to assist in written translation (eg. The Georgia Message of AA and other written materials from the Area) or live translation at Assemblies, Cluster Forums and other AA events). Please specify your area of interest, and we will respond shortly. Thank you in advance for being of service.
Translation Volunteer Form (printable version)
Translation Volunteer Form (printable version)