(BM-31) The A.A. Service Manual/ Twelve Concepts for World Service
Both in a single booklet. The manual opens with a history of A.A. services; explains the Conference structure and its year-round importance; includes the Conference Charter and General Service Board Bylaws. The Concepts—principles of service that have emerged from A.A.’s service accomplishments and mistakes since its beginning—are set forth by Bill W.
(BM-32) Twelve Concepts for World Service.
Separate; The Concepts— only.
(P-8) The Twelve Concepts Illustrated
Brief, easy-to-read text and clever illustrations make the Twelve Concepts for World Service clear and understandable.
(P-18) Inside A.A.
Explains the A.A. service structure in the U.S. and Canada, describing all elements linking member and group with the General Service Conference.
(P-52) The A.A. Grapevine—Our Meeting in Print
Provides basic information on the Grapevine magazine.
(F-12) Your District Committee Member
A flyer outlining the responsibilities of the district committee member.
(G-1) Georgia Service Manual
The Georgia AA Service Manual was published by the Georgia State Assembly in 1978.
(F-91) Concepts Checklist
A service piece for home groups, districts, areas.
(F-6) Your A.A. General Service Office
Illustrated folder describes the services provided by your G.S.O.
(P-45) Circles of Love and Service
This leaflet outlines our service structure in full-color diagrams.
(P-44) A.A.’s Legacy of Service
In this foreword to The A.A. Service Manual, Bill W. describes the beginnings of group and general services, the origin of the Traditions, and the birth of the Conference.
(P-19) General Service Representative May Be the Most Important Job in A.A.
For a new general service representative, this leaflet outlines responsibilities and useful sources of information; for a group, what to keep in mind when electing a G.S.R.