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Just choose the city, county or district that you are interested in, to find a meeting or the directions to a meeting in that area.
District 17 is Area 16's Spanish Linguistic District (Español) that covers all Spanish speaking meetings in Georgia.
Metro Atlanta is District 13, Zones A-K. You can find a map of the Metro area on the District 13 Page.
Interactive Map of Area 16, displaying all Districts/Zones
Just choose the city, county or district that you are interested in, to find a meeting or the directions to a meeting in that area.
District 17 is Area 16's Spanish Linguistic District (Español) that covers all Spanish speaking meetings in Georgia.
Metro Atlanta is District 13, Zones A-K. You can find a map of the Metro area on the District 13 Page.
Interactive Map of Area 16, displaying all Districts/Zones
- Existing Group Meeting Change Form: Make changes to your meeting schedule or driving directions to meeting place.
- Existing Group Trusted Servants Updates Form: Make a change to an Existing Group's information
- New Group Setup Form: If you are starting a New Group, fill out this form so the New York office (GSO) can assign it a unique number.