Zoom Guide For Meeting Attendees 1. Downloading the Zoom app: a. Zoom can be downloaded from https://zoom.us/download OR b. If you haven’t downloaded Zoom, you will be prompted to when you click the link to join a meeting.
2. Joining a Zoom Meeting: a. You can join by clicking on a link that is emailed to you. b. Meetings can also be joined by entering a unique meeting ID. Go to https://zoom.us/join Login: 709 870 9964 Password: <standard>
*The Meeting will begin once the hosts starts it* 3. Participating During a Meeting a. Camera: All attendees can decide whether to have their camera on or off. Simply click ‘Start Video’ or ‘Stop Video’ on the controls bar.
b. Microphone: You have the option to ‘mute’ or ‘unmute’ your microphone so others can hear you. To ‘mute’ or ‘unmute’ yourself, click the microphone icon in the bottom left of the screen. It works best to keep your microphone muted unless you are speaking. When you are ‘unmuted’ other participants can hear any background noise that your microphone picks up. The host has the option to mute everyone.
c. Chat: You can also type a message by clicking on the ‘chat’ button. You can select whether to send the message to everyone or just the host. This is a good way to submit a technical question or clarification to the host.
d. Raise Hand: The host may ask participants to raise their hands for a vote or in response to a question. To raise your hand, click the white hand icon on the controls bar. Click it again to lower your hand. The host can also lower all hands if they choose to do so.
TO CALL IN OVER THE PHONE: It is also possible to participate over the phone instead of using the Zoom app. Join by dialing the teleconferencing number provided in the invite. +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) Enter the meeting ID when prompted using your dialpad. *6 to unmute yourself *9 to raise your hand (to vote or comment)